Don’t Chase Money; Attract It

PRESS RELEASE: Ter Scott Answers Your Toughest Marketing Question.

As a business person, you don’t have time to be knocking on doors all of the time, yet you need to be “in the face” of your customers and prospective customers all of the time. Is TV the answer, Radio, Newspapers, Social Media, and other types of advertising? Yes, but specifically things truly are different with each business type.

I’ve been showing businesses how to improve their bottom line during good times and bad with proper marketing techniques. I show people how to have “systems” in place so money comes to them almost automatically. I don’t care if you sell real estate or Girl Scout cookies, you will always need customers to replace those who leave and for those who are just waiting to know that you exist and have what they want.

Work hard, work smart or both?

Work smart by having systems in place. Start with asking me your toughest question having to do with your marketing. Go to and I will answer your question by email for a dollar- which will go to a charity. Don’t wait, like you, I only have so many hours per day, and as I stated, your buck goes to charity.

Make it a great day!


Free or Low Cost Advertising

When marketing your business, it may go without saying that you should take advantage of all the “free” marketing that is available. However, some business owners and marketers don’t always think of this and if they do, they don’t do so on a regular basis. Here are a few places to submit your advertising with an easy retrieval system for repeat submissions.
Compose your content in a word document and save it for future use. You can also edit it and use it for other advertising venues with just a little “tweaking”. Remember that you ad needs to be “relevant” to the readers of where you are advertising.
Also, you should set up a system so you’ll be able to easily resubmit your ad when it expires.
Many of these ad options are for copy only; meaning that there is no artwork involved. But if you submit photos have those in a file on your computer for easy access an upload. Title and save your photos with meaningful “keywords” so when you are submitting them for an online ad, the search engines, and thereby the right audience of viewers will find you.
You may have used these two sources that I will list here, but be sure that you setup a schedule to resubmit and create and submit new ads.  and are the two places online for submitting free ads. They work! You may need to experiment with your ad copy over time, but you will see results. These two places work so well that there are books out there on how to master this revenue source.
I know that I have readers from all over the USA here, but I do offer a few options to those who live in my local area; I use these places myself: Reader magazine offers free classifieds and offers both a free business listing (charges a minimal fee to link it to a website) and currently offers your display ad free on the site for up to 3 months.
You should also do a Google search using keywords such as: free classifieds, free online classifieds, free classifieds (your city name here), etc.
Good luck!


Terrific. Energizing. Results!